Today for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Eclipse cards are released, and it has four new places where you can quickly and have fun killing enemies. So far only on PS4, but soon the package will appear on other platforms. For us, this is an occasion to recall the campaign that is customary to scold, although in fact in history everything is somewhat more complicated. Our author understands the conspiracy and explains why the plot Black Ops 3 is much deeper than you think.
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Black OPS 3 I walked with a friend, and after the final scene, when the credits ran across the screen, we joked between the matter that, they say, it suddenly turns out that all this is a dog’s dream. Do not believe it, but it seems that it is. One small detail, hidden in the game, represents the whole story in a completely different light.
The last hero
Reddit user, under the nickname StandsForvice, thoroughly studied the running lines of the text that appeared at the beginning of one of the first missions, and this crumpled story unexpectedly gained a very interesting meaning. Briefly: the entire campaign we observe the dying hallucinations of the protagonist, dying on the operating table in the Zurich hospital.
The very first running line is a report describing the events of the entrance mission from the point of view of John Taylor. The combat task is to save the Minister Said. The detachment consists of two groups, one under the leadership of Taylor, the other is Hendrix (players also perform with him).
► report from the 11th mission.
“Personal retreat: for me this is the first joint operation with Hendricks for a long time. He saw a scarf on my hand and asked about Rachel. Apparently, I did not know that we broke up ". The same phrase that I cursed in a review: how is it, we have a war here, and you talk about family life! In fact, she plays a rather important role. Rachel Kane – a sniper from the CIA, into which the main character (or heroine) allegedly falls in love closer to the final. The romantic line appears suddenly and dumbfounds with absurdity, but!
Back to the report: “As you know, the original plan broke. The auxiliary team also rescued from prison Lieutenant Khalil, captured during the operation by the Lotus Bashenes and is considered to be dead during execution ”.
Stop. Let us recall the penultimate mission, with fighters, where we storm the Egyptian towers of Lotos with Halil and Rachel in search of Taylor enslaved by artificial intelligence. Closer to the end of the task, Kane reports that the position of Khalil was captured by the enemy. How Khalil could then be with us if, judging by the official reports of the military, he participated in the same operation before the events of the game?
► John Taylor, like Raul Menendes in Black Ops 2, turned out to be a multifaceted antagonist.
Further in the report there is a story about how everything went awry – about the attack of the hordes of robots, about an unsuccessful attempt to evacuate. Taylor admits that, having given the order to return for the auxiliary team, he took all the responsibility to himself, even though Hendrix resisted the order: “We are not quitting our own”. A straightforward, but effective scenario way to show once again that Glavlzlodov, as in the past parts of Black Ops, is actually not so bad.
Mom, we are all seriously ill
And now – the most interesting. “The only survivors from the Hendrix team were in critical condition to the headquarters in Zurich for immediate surgical intervention. When the condition of the operatives stabilized, the authorities decided that they were excellent candidates for installing a cybernetic exoskeleton. Patients were implanted in PNI (direct neural interface). Before installing augmentations and implants of limbs, I personally connected to their stumps to help them get comfortable with the system.Unfortunately, in the course of the procedure, unforeseen difficulties arose, and all patients died shortly after connecting the interface ".
► In one of the cut-scenes, it is clear that the camera switches to another angle for a split second-just then he got a failure.
Our character died in the final of the very first mission. Rather, in the course of the second, when, in the spirit of the "source code", we tried to prevent a terrorist attack on the train with the help of a simulation inside the mind. Everything else is a dying dream distorted by the consciousness of John, who connected to your stump.
This explains a lot.
Taylor's memories of Rachel turn into a love line with the “main character” (in the scene of the bed she says that she can no longer be with us, but a little later, as if nothing had happened during the final mission in Zurich).
Introduction, where Hendrick and I are looking for Taylor in Singapore, identical to the previous operation, about which Sarah Hall was talking about: Taylor's team was then looking for a defined detachment of Dylan Stone. Here the assault on the towers and do not understand where Lieutenant Khalil came from where. The events of the game are a phantasmagoric mishmash of John's memoirs, embellished with interface glitches or dying agony.
► Tree – simultaneously an abstract source of the power of Corvus and a symbol of the destructive consciousness of the protagonist.
Episodes with a tree, mystical boss-files with members of the Taylor detachment, a child in a cradle, a battle with the Germans, a crazy last level, drawn in the minds of a dying protagonist, mysterious switching of the cell in some scenes (this was explained by the faults of the stump), perhaps even the very existence of an artificial Corvus intelligence – no one can say for sure what really came of this and whether this happened to Taylor to a rescue operation in Ethiopia.
The game has an open finale (for example, I thought that Corvus nevertheless “overwriting” the protagonist, inspiring him with the personality of the deceased “infected” John, and thus continued the destructive chain reaction, which is why the main character seems to Taylor in the last second), But these details make the whole story an object for discussions and speculation. Now the last scene can be interpreted as another excursion into the past in the subconscious of Taylor, in one of the operations that once underwent (whether they were held?) in the heart of Switzerland.
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► We are fighting the whole game with certain rebels, Slots Dreamer sister sites but the second side of the conflict (and the world in Black Ops 3 has become bipolar again).
Whether this discovery affected the overall impression of the game?
No. I still think the Black Ops 3 campaign is perhaps too many aspects. This, of course, is great that Treyarch hid such “Twenty-fifth frame Tyler Derden” in the game, which opens a completely new look at the story (after all, the studio has long successfully flirted with the community with the help of Easterrs), but a high-budget spectacular action movie, even if with a claim to a psychological thriller, must submit such subtle things more elegant.
One could at least hint-they say, dig, the key to the truth is somewhere there, inside the game, curiosity will be rewarded. But no. By the way, it is quite possible that this whole theory is also a dream of a dog. Or cybernetic spiked hedgehog.